First Calf 2014

Day before yesterday, Harland and I came home to a surprise – a newborn calf – our very first of the year!

It was a surprise because our calves aren’t due until March 9.  And it was also a surprise because heifers don’t usually calve early, if anything, they like to calf late. A heifer is a first time mom, but despite her complete lack of knowledge of mothering, this one had given birth by herself, cleaned off the calf, and got him started nursing.

As we rolled up the drive, there she was standing patiently allowing her little guy his first meal. Harland escorted the calf into the barn out of the cold wind, and his momma followed along behind concerned about her precious 60 pound bundle of joy. They stayed in the barn overnight and then yesterday morning, Harland let them out into the little pasture near our house.

Yesterday afternoon, I took a few pics.  Here he is, only 24 hours old:


“Watch this Ma, I can run!!”






Later, while Mom did some cleaning, and flocks of geese were honking overhead, the little guy lay down for a nap.

Soon he’ll have plenty of playmates.

Stay tuned…..



Cattle, corn, wheat, beans, mud, snow, ice, and drought. Plenty of fresh air and quiet. Our life is sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes joyous, but never boring.

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12 Responses

  1. Elizabeth Spehr says:

    Aww the little calf got sleepy. So very cute 🙂

  2. VICKY KELLEY says:

    So sweet. It is amazing how MOMS know handle to take care of the first one without any help.

  3. June Hilbert says:

    Congrats on your first blessed event of the season! Hope the rest go as smoothly. We always feel incredibly lucky when we’ve been away for a few hours, come home and find a first-calf heifer with a healthy newborn and no complications. Hope the rest of your prospective new mothers wait until the predicted nasty weather system moves through before they give birth. Will be thinking about you and the heifers!

  4. Alica says:

    He looks quite happy to be alive! Aren’t you glad you don’t have to scratch your back with your tongue?! 🙂 (did you get my email?)

    • Suzanne says:

      I just tried to get into my blog email, and I had forgotten my password, so after trying for a while over and over – it locked me out because it thought I was a hacker….AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll have to get hold of my server and get them to unlock it. Will respond to your email then. Sorry…. 🙁

  5. Tina says:

    So very cute! Glad she is a good Mama. First one of the new season, welcome baby!

  6. Carol says:

    Happy Birthday baby! How adorable is this miracle, thanks for the pics Suzanne!

  7. shoreacres says:

    I’ve just begun following you, and am delighted to have found such a wonderful “first post” in my email box. It looks like there may be a spring, after all!

  8. Rural TN says:

    Looking forward to seeing more new calves.

  9. Jeanne says:

    Yay for the young mama and her little one! So glad they’re both doing well. I’m keeping you in prayer, Suzanne, for your surgery!

  10. Teresa says:

    So glad everything worked out well. I have to say, I’m nervous about my heifer calving with the horrible cold and snow we’ve got.

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