Freezing Sweet Corn
So, the night before last after I got home from work, we froze our sweet corn. We blanched it and then put it up in freezer bags and sucked all the air out. We’ve found that it keeps really well this way, for years even.
First you get a big pot, or 2 big pots of water boiling. Then you drop the corn in and slap the lid on. You may need to adjust the heat so it doesn’t boil over. Keep it boiling for 3-4 minutes. Then remove the corn from the boiling water,
and put in ice water for 3-4 minutes. Some people do this in a large bowl, we use the sink. After swimming in the ice water for the allotted time, bag it up and seal.
Then we put the corn in the deep freeze downstairs in the basement.
It took us about an hour and a half to do a laundry basket full of corn, and about 40 pounds of ice.
The cats didn’t help.

“I wonder if I could get up there on the ceiling?

“Freezing corn is really boring. “
Both came into the kitchen to check on the activity and then left.
Have you been putting up any produce from your garden? If so, what is your favorite method?
For a more detailed how-to on freezing corn, click HERE.
Very impressive!!
We do almost the exact same process, but we freeze corn kernels rather than ears.
I’m very impressed!! Not that you froze corn but that you had help……the man of the house!! Here the “man of the house” backs the pick-up onto the driveway, unloads a mountain of corn [unhusked] and drives away!! His work is done. My sister and I work for the next 10 to 12 hours to get to the END!! Lucky you!!
No garden, no basement, no freezer. Hence, no stash of corn for the winter! But, I do have many pints of blueberries frozen, and also peaches. A friend suggested canning peaches. I immediately imagined a pressure cooker blowing up and declined. But I will admire your efforts, and envy your corn!
Muffin was eyeing a fly. Much tastier than corn…if you’re a cat!
Growing up, we would start to boil the water (not much), and then go out to pick it. Rip the husks off, throw them in, and find the cover! When you smelled it, it was done. Not long, m a y b e five minutes. These days, I barely blanch it, and then take it to the grill to get those ‘toasted’ parts. 🙂
Nothing from the garden really (it’s too small for that) but I’ve been canning pie cherries and jams over the last couple of months. This month I’ll can 24lbs of peaches, a bunch of vinegar pickles, and lots and lots of salsa.
We don’t personally raise vegetables any more, however, we buy wonderful, fresh vegetables from a Mennonite family in our area. We still raise our own herbs. They are wonderful to have fresh all growing season. Your method of freezing corn looks fabulous. Your prairie ancestors would be proud.
Glad to have completed food preservation for 2015. Had plenty of canned and frozen corn from last year, also beans and pumpkin. I freeze corn like you do. Completed 55 lbs sour cucumber and zucchini pickle, many bags of frozen squash, shredded zucchini, and tomatoes. Several frozen squash casseroles. Canned lots of salsa and green tomato relish. 100% organic this year. Froze blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries from our neighbor’s you-pick. Home grown honey and eggs also from neighbors. From the Phony Farm in hot Tennessee.
Great process for the corn! We have lots of extra tomatoes right now, so I just quarter them and cook them down in a large pot. It only takes about 15 minutes. Then I put them through my food mill, simmer the juice until it’s a little thickened and freeze the sauce iin jars. It’s great for all kinds of recipes…so fresh tasting.
This process is interesting to me. I’ve frozen a lot of things in my lifetime but never corn. I might reconsider after your tutorial. On a much smaller scale, though!
My overriding question is do you folks own a generator to protect all those goodies in the deep freeze. I’m guessing resourceful people like you do!
Yes, we do own a generator. In fact we have several, one for the house, and a couple up at the farm.
Thanks JMart!
Now that’s an interesting way to freeze corn! I’ve never seen it frozen on the cob. Do you eat it on the cob when you defrost and boil it?
I have a very small garden this year because of having back surgery last winter, and am not regretting it at all! I will be buying some corn to freeze, and tomatoes for making salsa and canning.
Thanks Alica. We take it out of the freezer, put a couple cobs in one of those microwave steamer bags, and cook it in the microwave. Tastes just like out of the garden.