Versatile Blogger

I was surprised to learn Saturday, that I am the recipient of the Versatile Blogger award.

It was awarded to me by Millie, a goat with her own blog, A Goat’s View Of Eden Hills.  First, I must say a big Thank You to Millie, and her owner Teresa at her blog, Eden Hills. I am humbled.

According the award rules, I’m obliged to reveal  something about myself. Well….. Ok, this is lame, but I finally posted a couple pictures of myself on my About page, and both were taken by my husband. In the first, I was taking pics for the Nincehelser House post, and didn’t notice him training his camera on me until the last moment, sneaky devil.


The second was taken when I was taking pics for the Scarlet Indian Paintbrush post.

I was picking my way carefully through the field trying not to step on the lovlies.

As I am required by the official award rules to pass this Versatile Blogger award on, please see the following,  in no particular order:

  • Kathy at her blog,  Cattle Call Farm. From Herefords to goats, and chickens to gardening, her blog is informative and entertaining, and has great pics too!
  • Teresa at her blog, Eden Hills. Goats, ducks, gardens, and life – it’s all here.
  • Garden on Sherlock Street.  Everthing you ever wanted to know about flower and vegetable gardening, but were afraid to ask.

Please visit these great blogs, and tell’em I sent ya.


Cattle, corn, wheat, beans, mud, snow, ice, and drought. Plenty of fresh air and quiet. Our life is sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes joyous, but never boring.

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5 Responses

  1. Thank you. You sure are sweet. I’m still figuring out some of this blogging stuff and I’m still figuring out some of this gardening stuff. I’m always willing to learn with everyone else! I’m going to ponder this a bit before passing it on. It looks like you hang out with some great people (and goats.) I checked out their sites and will need more time to return and see all the great posts! By the way, your husband got nice photos of you. I’ll bet he sees you walking through flowers with your camera a lot.

    • Suzanne says:

      Hi Gardener On Sherlock St.,
      You’re welcome, and its deserved. I’m there with you- I’m figuring out the blogging stuff and gardening stuff too.
      Thank you, and have a great day!

  2. Congratulations on your award 🙂

    My dad used to take very candid shots of us as children and it continued when we were adults. Actually, some of them turned out okay.

  3. Millie says:

    Thanks so much for the award. I spent my night taking care of new babies, so I’ll have to respond to the award tomorrow. Millie thanks you for the treat suggestion.

  4. Teresa says:

    Oops, Millie and I share the computer. I love the picture of you in black and white. It’s a perfect face.

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