Morning With A Bison Herd
At the end of yesterday’s post, we had just caught sight of the bison herd. They were on a distant hill, so we set off on the trail that would take us near the area where they were grazing. About a mile and a half later, we neared the hill where they should be, but they were nowhere to be seen. They had gone down into a valley out of sight, but which one? We looked and waited. No sign of them. Finally we backtracked on the trail. After another quarter mile, we saw them again coming up out of a valley. They were headed right back where we started from. So we walked back up the trail to meet them. As they neared us, they decided it was a good time to rest and a large bull dropped to the ground for a dust bath.
A cow decided to have a dust bath of her own.
Another cow, her winter coat hanging from her in tatters, was very curious about me as she passed by.
So she stopped for a closer look.
A very close look.
Her curiosity satisfied, she finally moved away, but kept looking back at me.
Meanwhile, baby bison was having her mid-morning meal and stopped long enough to take a look at us.
After her meal, she lay down to take a nap with mom standing guard.
It didn’t take long in the warm morning sun for baby to doze off.
A short video of baby bison:
———> Friday: Kitty’s favorite morning activity. And Kitty performs a gymnastic feat not for the faint hearted.
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Maybe they are farsighted and have a had time seeing you? Or just maybe you are just that cute!!! That baby is darling and I so want to stroke her fur. Thank you so much, Suzanne.
I wonder as they seem to look but there isn’t much recognition that they are seeing much. Maybe they are thinking deep thoughts. 🙂
Goodness, they’re gorgeous. My favorite pic is the third one down… how beautiful she is against your incredible sky. 🙂
That is a scruffy looking bison looking at you! So funny when they shed/molt/whatever. Cute calf!
It’s funny about their winter coat shedding: seems to take most of the summer, and then they have to grow another winter coat. I wished I could give them all a good brushing when I was there. Don’t think that would go over too well though. 🙂
Your pictures could be post cards. They are awesome. My son has been really enjoying your post on the bison. He loves everything about the native americans and the bison!!
So glad your son has enjoyed the bison pics! Thank you!
They are majestic looking animals, aren’t they? I can hardly imagine the way the earth must have shook as they ran by in a stampede during “Indian” times. I’ll bet they were impressed too.
Oh I’ll bet. I would love to see that.
Wow, great video and great photos of the baby! So precious! I still can’t believe how close you got to them!
Me neither, but it was a great time. Thank you!