New Siding Project – Part 11
(If you want to catch up with all my new siding project posts, click HERE.)
Been so busy lately I haven’t had time to get back here and bring you guys up-to-date. Here’s the latest:
- Four of the new windows have been installed.
- The new front door and storm door are installed.
- The rest of the old siding has been removed.
- All the foamboard instulation is now on.
- All the house wrap is on.
Here are pics. (Note the caption on each pic.)

Our new front door

Our new front door

The old front door

Front of the house the day before the rest of the foamboard and housewrap were done

New picture window

Old picture window

North and west sides of the house

One of the new windows

East and north sides of the house

Our messy yard. Sigh…

Our yard.

One of my flowerbeds. Sigh. My own fault to put flowerbeds against the house.

Our house is rather dark right now.

Our new storm door. It’s Muffin approved.

Exterior basement stairway door waiting to be installed.
Still to come:
- There are two more new windows to install.
- Every window in the house (except the new ones of course) need to be removed and flashing installed around them and then put back in. There are seven windows that need flashing.
- The basement door needs to be installed.
- The new siding needs to be installed.
So we have a lot more to do, but we’re on the downhill slope. Gerald and Ramona have been working on the house all week. Gerald is Harland’s brother and both he and his wife, Ramona, are carpenters. I’ve been cooking up a storm all week and have really enjoyed having them for lunch and supper each day. Love cooking for company, especially family.
Kitty have grown somewhat used to the noise and chaos. She and Muffin spent most of the week locked in the bedroom so they wouldn’t escape while the door and windows were replaced. Plaintive meows come from the other side of the door occasionally, but they have been sleeping on the bed all day, so it’s not been all bad for them. Thy LOVE LOVE LOVE the new storm door, and spend a lot of time sitting there gazing out on the world. It’s a Big Screen Cat TV.
Harland came down with a cold yesterday so he’s feeling pretty crappy. Hoping it’s not a bad one and will pass quickly.
Stay tuned for more updates…
(If you want to catch up with all my new siding project posts, click HERE.)
Comment on the old door, they don’t make them like that anymore. Maybe someone could repurpose that one?
On the flower beds, you were using some beds that were already in place and trying to stay close to the foundation for released warmth of the sun and out of the way of the mower. I’m sure you never thought about Harland coming back to work on the siding. Most will come back!
I’m thinking about moving the flowerbeds away from the house. It’s never worked well where they are because the house has such an overhang on the roof that the beds miss out on a lot of rain and I have to water more.
You’re going to save so much on your heating bill! Wish I had the $$ to do this to my house 🙂
I told Harland last night that I can’t wait until it goes below zero and the winds blow….bring it on old man winter. Ha!
I just love reno’s!!
Everything is looking great. So much evidence of hard work.
Hope Harland gets well soon.
Kiss the kitties for me and have a great weekend!
Florida hugs,
Thanks Rebecca, you have a good weekend as well.!
The yard will get cleaned up, and the flowers will bloom again. And the kitties will be so happy with their new must-see teevee!
You’ve done so much — these big projects really do have to be taken one day at a time. Just think how wonderful this is going to be, once the season has changed, and the winds are blowing!
I hope Harland feels better soon. Is he having to deal with much farm work right now, or are the cows still happy in the pasture? Is it right that you have to worry less about the weather now that you have the Tyvek on?
Thanks Linda. Yes, now that the tyvek is on, we’re not so worried about rain anymore. This is a slow time of year for Harland, farm-wise. The cows are taking care of themselves at the pasture, the corn and beans are maturing in the field. Corn harvest will probably go in a few weeks if it continues to be as dry as it is. After all the rain we had earlier this spring/summer, now we’ve gone the other way and are in a drought.
Thanks for the encouragement…We’re actually looking forward to winter to see how much we save. We’ve noticed already that the house seems really airtight, almost stuffy to us, since we’re used to living in a ventilated house. 🙂
Great progress. Your home is going to be a beautiful house on the prairie! By the way, I learned (the hard way) that flower beds up against the foundation invite more bugs and spiders in the house. Hope hubby’s cold goes away fast. Love your furry people’s big screen TV!!!
I’m thinking about moving the flowers away from the house now and making all new beds…also cutting down on the amount of plants I have – too much to take care of.
Thanks Mary!
It’s looking really great! I’m really anxious to see the final look! The new door is pretty! You’ll have to give us a report on how much your power bill goes down this winter! – We’re going to be having our house painted next month…exciting and scary at the same time! We still have to decide on the color.
Good luck on your painting job. Exciting to get new color – it can change the look so much, can’t it?
I’m really going to miss those pretty mums peeping out from the back step. They were a wonder!